Wednesday 10 October 2007

Bad Days

Actually it hasn't been a bad week but I forgot to blog some stuff from last week so I'll do it now. I was hoping I could backdate stuff but I guess that would require MySQL access so I'll just do it all here.

Last Wednesday, as I got up to take my place on the train to Basildon for my one day a week in the office, I neglected to consider my suit jacket was folded over my arms and contained my mobile phone. This device decided to leap from its silky home, bounce once on the platform and dive gracefully into the gap between the edge of the platform and the wheels of the train.

I briefly considered whether I'd have to wait until the train left, reach down and grab it and then continue my journey on the next one, but luckily the driver walked by at that point on his way to the cab and, after he'd ascertained we could see the phone, got the litter grabber from a cleaner and retrieved my trusty device. It is now scratched to buggery but at least it's still in one piece.

Anyway, there you go.

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